One day while in the shower, I felt such a deep gratitude in my heart that I was able to be here in this moment, to purify and clean my body, to be blessed by what the water was doing for me, and much of this, I probably couldn't even fathom.
I immediately turned off the water and bowed down to express my gratitude.
Bowing down to the unconditional service of water. What an incredible messenger?
At that time, the soul of water was showing me the many ways it serves, and the opportunities for us to become aligned similarly as a universal servant (like this beloved universal solvent)
To be more aware of what was happening when I used water to serve my life. In the shower, this beautiful water from below in the earth, that was so pure, was now washing my pollution away, taking it on, and going down the drain.
My heart was so heavy, how could I be grateful enough. So now, as you'll see below in the PRACTICE section of this blog post, a way to offer love and service back to water, in addition to reducing your usage.
From BLOG POST # 7 on being WATER WISE, I asked you to reflect and research the many ways in which water is of service to your life. The answers, would be infinite.
When I think of examples of unconditional service and love, mother earth and water come to me immediately. They are my teachers. They are all of our teachers.
Just think, this beloved resource serves our lives in so many ways. It nourishes our bodies to flush out pollution within us, to carry minerals, to keep our cells healthy.
And sometimes, and I am crying as I write this...we do not appreciate this soul enough, and misuse it..
Lao Tzu, an ancient philosopher, reflects on the humbleness, power and unconditional servant that is water.
Let us honor water!
1. In the shower, washing dishes, as water fills your laundry washer, as you drink water and anytime water is going down a drain, sing the mantra DA AI (greatest Love) and DA GAN EN (Greatest Gratitude)
2. Visualize the water filled with the most beautiful golden light. And just rest there in your heart with this love and gratitude.
I know this will deeply touch and bless the soul of water.
Thank you so much.
With infinite love and gratitude,