They don't always have names, especially the smaller rivers (referred to in my last post, #12), but they do always have a soul.
As I connect and communicate with rivers and other waterways, I first honor their soul, and see if they have a name or something they would like to be called. Many are connected to the names they have been given by a people, as these names originate with love and reverence. And for some a need for this does not exist, or their 'name' doesn't come in any language you recognize (soul language). You can find a waterway's name on topographic maps or on the Model My Watershed Tool.
An interesting naming example I'd like to share is Devil's Lake in Wisconsin (seen below).
By the native peoples, this lake was originally called 'sacred or spirit lake.' Later on, other inhabitants thought it would increase tourism by re-naming it Devil's lake, to sound more mysterious. When I heard this story on a hike overlooking the beautiful lake, I immediately felt upset and thought "how could they dishonor the lake--- changing its name to something negative?" But I caught my judgement, released it and held love for what is the lake's soul. A name does carry a vibration and karma, but if we are to live in oneness, we see that all of this is love, not matter the name, and go beyond this. More importantly we look and address the water by its soul. That's what we should also do with each other. Names do not tell your story, show your love and who you are.
Waterways though, do wish to be 'seen' and 'named' by their soul, their Divinity and creation. Many long for this. As I start to do any kind of healing or assistance to waterways, I always 'say hello' to their soul and ask for a message of what they wish to express.
With polluted rivers for example, many wish to be of great assistance and to serve mother earth.
But of greatest assistance to them in their healing process (*which is also our healing process and return to oneness), a reverence to their soul and communicating with their soul is primary.
In future posts, I will start teaching how to communicate with the soul of water, it's easy and everyone can do it, I promise! If you wish to improve the water quality on Mother Earth, this will be an essential step for you to learn.
Great love to you all,
Master Tara