Dear Ones,
I am so excited to begin weekly calls on Monday and Tuesdays (10pm-10:30pm Eastern) to sing the beautiful 'Big Compassion Mantra' of Guan Yin, the Da Bei Zhou. This is for anyone wishing to learn the mantra, or if you know it, to offer service and deepen your connection with Guan Yin and the Buddhas, and/or receive blessings by being in the frequency, love and compassion of this special time together.
Visit my 'classes and events' page for many links to support you in learning the Da Bei Zhou such as a document with the lines of the mantra, videos of others singing the melody and also a special online course.
Email me for the call-in information or questions at
You can participate on either/both calls anytime you like. Having your email will help me update everyone in case dates/times change!
*If neither of these times/days works for you, please email what would as I am hoping to add more opportunities in the future.
All are welcome, and the calls will begin February 8th and 9th, 2016!
With infinite love and joy,