Sunday, November 26, 2017

#20: Action for the Earth


Doing any acts of kindness or 'service' to the Earth can help us all. Want to learn more about how?

See this page of my blog or read about 'Tao in Action' on the environment!

And if you ever need guidance, advice, or just want to bounce some ideas across me in regards to your 'action' with the earth, reach out anytime!

One Earth Heart,


#19: Cleanse Your Rivers & Oceans

San Jiao is like a river. 
Wai Jiao is like the ocean. 
The water from the river will flow to the ocean. 
-Master Zhi Gang Sha

Ever feel like your energy or blood are just stagnant?  This happens to me every now again and I just feel stuck inside,like my blood is sick. As many of our rivers are stagnant due to dams, our bodies can be too. How do we become unstuck and flow again?

Remove blockages in the San Jiao to the Wai Jiao.  the SAN JIAO (RIVER) and WAI JIAO (OCEAN) channels. This is said to be the key for healing!

SAN JIAO (pronounced sahn Jee-yow) is the pathway of energy (qi or chi) and body fluid in the body and is a concept in traditional Chinese medicine. It is also a space in the body to hold all of the organs and is divided into 3 areas: Upper, Middle and Lower Jiao.
               Upper Jiao  is the area above the diaphragm (heart and lungs; major function is blood
                                    circulation, energy flow and respiration)
               Middle Jiao is between the diaphragm and the level of the navel (pancreas, stomach,                                                  spleen: main functions are to digest and absorb food)
               Lower Jiao is from the level of the navel down to the genital area (liver, bladder, kidneys,
                                    reproductive organs; main function is water balance and regulation)

WAI JIAO is the biggest space in the body, located in front of the spinal column in the thoracic and abdominal cavities.

Here's a practice you can do to open your San Jiao to flow more freely to the Wai Jiao. If after 10 minutes you don't feel more free in your body, continue longer! Sometimes I've needed to do this for at least 1 hr, many days in a row.


1. BODY POWER: Sit up straight in a chair with your back free and clear. Put one hand on your abdomen (front) and one hand on the abdomen (back).

Dear the soul of my San Jiao, I love you, honor you and appreciate you. 
You have the power to open fully, remove blockages from my chi and body fluid, open my rivers to my ocean. Please heal and transform my whole body. Thank you! 

3. MIND POWER: Visualize golden light shining and radiating within you, throughout your whole body, head to toe, skin to bone.

4. SOUND POWER:  Say silently or aloud for 10 minutes or more:
                                    San Jiao heal my whole body, thank you
                                    San Jiao heal my whole body, thank you
                                    San Jiao heal my whole body, thank you
                                    San Jiao heal my whole body, thank you
                                    San Jiao heal my whole body, thank you
                                    San Jiao heal my whole body, thank you
                                    San Jiao heal my whole body, thank you

Always express gratitude: Hao! Hao! Hao! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. “Hao” (pronounced how in Mandarin) means get well. “Hao” means perfect. “Hao” means restore health.

Please leave comments below on how this practice was for you!

One Earth Heart,

#18: Unify Mother Earth, S+E+M=1

Did you know there is a powerful mantra that you can say over and over to unify yourself in oneness with mother earth and to unify all the life on the planet? 


Dr. and Master Rulin Xiu, a theoretical physicist and author of Soul Mind Body Science System
has brought forth the 'Grand Unification' theory to unify all existence, to bring universal oneness.

The scientific formula of grand unification is S+E+M=1
*Soul(S)+ Energy(E)+Matter(M)=One vibrational field(1)

*S= soul, heart and mind

When soul, heart, mind, energy, matter are aligned, life flows, people (and hence, Mother Earth) are happy, healthy and well. If these aspects of the formula are not aligned, sickness and other challenges occur (on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels).

How does this apply to Mother Earth and her waters?  

This mantra carries a message that can transform all life. Remember, ancient wisdom states that what you say is what you become. Your words carry power and a message. 

By saying this mantra over and over for water and mother earth, you are putting forth a message that brings forth Oneness into every cell, organ, space of Mother Earth and all living and non-living aspects of her. 

How do we do this? 

Follow these 4 steps:

1. Body Power: Put one hand over your heart, and one hand on your lower abdomen.
2. Soul Power/ Invocation: 
Say hello:
Dear The Source Matra of S + E + M = 1,
I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.
You have the power to unify Mother Earth.
Dear the saints, Heaven’s saints’ animals, and treasures from Heaven, the Divine, Tao, and The Source connected with and carried within this mantra.
I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.
You have immeasurable power to heal all of mother earth.
Please heal me. Thank you.
3. Mind Power
Visualize golden light shining throughout the earth, in everyone and everything!
4. Sound Power
Say silently or aloud:
S + E + M = 1 heals Mother Earth. Thank you.
S + E + M = 1 heals Mother Earth. Thank you.
S + E + M = 1 heals Mother Earth. Thank you.
S + E + M = 1 heals Mother Earth. Thank you.
S + E + M = 1 heals Mother Earth. Thank you.
As you say this mantra, keep your eyes closed. Relax, smile. The longer you say this, the more the vibration of its message benefits Mother Earth. 
Close the practice
Always express gratitude: Hao! Hao! Hao! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. “Hao” (pronounced how in Mandarin) means get well. “Hao” means perfect. “Hao” means restore health.
Please leave comments below on how this practice was for you!

One Earth Heart,

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

#17: A Love, Peace and Harmony Halloween

Love, Peace Harmony Sweet Cards!

This is the first time in many years that I will be in a neighborhood on Halloween. I was told by my neighbor's '100's of kids will be coming by!' Instead of running away or leaving the house during trick-or-treat, I decided this was a HUGE opportunity to spread the light and teach others about a beautiful song that can bring peace to the planet, people, animals, air and water. The song of Love, Peace, and Harmony.

In a prior blog post, I shared the application and power of this beautiful and fun song!  So let's share it on Halloween night and beyond!

Here's how to make the above Love, Peace Harmony Sweet Cards:
1. Adventure to this link for the Love, Peace, Harmony Foundation website
2. On  this page, you'll see a section for resources, scroll down to the image for the 'small card.' Download these.

Here are also those images below, two different sets (you can right click on each and 'save' the file)

Here's the set of images I used:


Here are the images from the website:

3. Go to any online business card printing company and use these images to create a business card. You'll upload the LPH images.
4. Get a hot glue gun & some Hershey Kisses (or whichever candy speaks to you!). Those in the image above are the the  dark-chocolate kind (purple). Put a small dab of glue on the business card and add the chocolate!
5. It's also nice after you've made them, to take a moment to give these beautiful gifts your love and gratitude!

These are great to hand out at other events too.

Enjoy and have fun spreading Love, Peace and Harmony!