Love from the Earth
I had just finished a large year-long project for
my workplace and was struggling with my energy after having many long
nights and days of stress and 'full speed ahead' momentum.
In walking towards my car to return home, the message clearly
came that I needed 'to plug in.' immediately. No, not to electronics, but to
the earth physically. To really feel her energy, her love, her soil, fresh
air, sunshine and more.
It was a gorgeous warm winter day, a respite from the deep cold
that Mother Earth usually shows us this time of year, and perfect for this
Where was I to go? I knew just the place, a small White Pine (Pinus
strobus; tree of peace) grove on the property of my research center. I
often visit this area when it's warm, and today was the perfect day to just be
me, with the earth and these trees. Almost immediately in seeing the forest, I
teared up and started viscerally releasing the stress and the overwhelm. All
that my body was holding from a very long time was ready for me to let
go. This was something my soul, heart, mind, and body needed in
order to recalibrate and continue.
As I collapsed onto the soft bed of rust-colored pine needles, the
fragrant smell of the trees filled my lungs with a nourishing force. The
sunshine covered my body in warmth and it just felt so good. As I lay there, my
fingers immediately navigated their way through the pine needles, then into the
top layer of cool soil until they hit the frozen layer. All five of my fingers
were feeling this coolness and earth force through my body...I was plugged
in. I rested here, let my body melt into the earth as long as I needed. I
looked up into the canopy, again resting here and letting the earth, the
Source, fill my body. With the sun's warmth coming from above, I felt rejuvenated and back to
my center, and this didn't take long, maybe 20 minutes. The key to this was that
I welcomed and allowed the healing, the support, and love of the earth to come
deeper into every part of my being.
This was not the first time I had connected to the earth for help.
Often, if ever I felt anxiety, I take to the woods or visualize growing a root
from my lower abdomen, down through the many layers of the earth into her core.
I'll feel calming energy, a warmness, seep into my extremities and displace the
anxiety so I can regain my foundation. This is critical for all of us to do and
oftentimes, we just need this restorative time to flourish again.
Benefits of a Connection
Research by institutions around the world has shown the multiple
benefits to your body and mind of being connected with the Earth. For example,
time in the forest has shown to significantly improve mood, mental performance,
and creativity, boost the immune system and energy levels, improve blood
pressure and reduce stress. The benefits are really endless, all around you,
and as in my case with the pine grove, right at our fingertips.
As you are a living part of the earth (Mother Earth= ME!), brought
to life from her life, inherently we are meant to have a connection and in a
way, need this in order to thrive here. But, as I mentioned below, you need to
make time for this and allow for it to happen. And, as I’ll explain further,
the earth needs you too.
Before I share a practice to facilitate an earth connection, let
me ask you a do you connect with the Earth in your every day?
Even though you interact with the earth everywhere as she's in everything from
cell phones, computers, cars, clothing, food, air, water, pens, books, and you,
I mean a heart to heart connection. This can look like taking a walk in your
favorite forest, visiting a river and seeing it flow, watching or listening to
birds and other wildlife, or resting with your feet bare on the ground. This heartfelt
connection can also appear through lessening your footprint on the earth's
resources such as using less water, plastic or paper, or telling the earth you
sincerely love and appreciate her. As I have taught classes over the
years on connecting with the earth, many people do not know where or how
to begin. So let's go through some examples of how this can start for you or
your clients, and I promise, as you become more aware and appreciative of the
earth, you will start to feel stronger, more expansive, and lighter and
brighter. And in this shift, you will see a reflection of this in Mother
Earth as we are one.
So let us do a meditation from Master Sha’s book Power Healing (p.129; Ginseng Tree Growing
on the Chong Meridian) where we grow a root like a tree, receiving the
earth’s nourishment. Ginseng nourishes chi and blood, and in this practice, you
will feel the strength, vitality, and healing properties of the tree running
through your veins and organs. You may want to voice record the mind power so
you can listen and do the practice easier, and here is a recording of me doing this if you want to listen!
BODY POWER: Standing comfortably outdoors (or indoors) shoulder
width apart, relax your body, ground your feet to the earth (perhaps barefoot),
and let your arms hand by your side, palms open to the sun.
MIND POWER: Visualize a Ginseng tree seedling in your lower
abdomen. Its tender shoots reach up. A trunk grows in your spine. Young roots
spread down to your feed. Your arms are branches, your legs are main roots,
standing sturdy, strong, rooted on the fertile Earth.
The trees branches grow and fill your head, reaching to the sun
with warm, golden, healing light.
You bask in the radiance as the sun nourishes your leaves. The
leaves rustle music above your head, winking gold in the sun. Your many fruits
feel light and rich in the breeze.
Take energy from the Earth!
Take energy from the Sun!
Make life force energy!
Send glowing energy to all
parts of your Ginseng tree
and feel the strength, the vitality, the life in your veins. Feel energy
glowing, flowing all through your body as it nourishes all parts from smallest
root to topmost branch.
All your organs are healthy,
strong, and vibrant!
Your roots are bright, shiny, and clean. Your trunk is a glowing
silk stalk. Your branches are golden vibrant limbs. Your leaves shine gold and
are blinding in the Sun. Your fruits are heavenly golden orbs of energy.
Everything radiates light and energy. You shake with this energy!
You feel STRONG as the Sub smiles on you. Bend and sway in the
Wind. Rejoice in your strength.
Relax. Feel appreciation.
Awareness, Appreciation, and Action
"I'm not asking you to think like I do, I'm just asking you
to think" was a phrase my high school history teacher would say right
after we learned about a significant event from the past and the awareness and lessons from
that event. As you read the following words, I will also ask you to do
the same!
Once you have knowledge or awareness about something, it's hard to
turn back. A simple way to begin to connect and care for the earth is simply
becoming aware of where she is present in your life and then make choices that
reflect love, kindness, and compassion towards her. For instance, notice the
water you use and consume throughout your day. The water to brush your teeth,
wash your dishes, the water used to make your clothing, or to grow the trees
used to make the paper you use. Feel the water in your own body. Our
planet is largely covered with water and for us, is a source of our
existence. So taking the time to see where this beautiful natural
resource exists in your life is an incredible first step to developing a
connection with the earth.
A natural progression with this created awareness is then to feel
and express appreciation, again, sincerely. You may not feel anything at first,
but gradually over time, something will again shift in your heart.
I remember, about five years ago I was watching the water go down a drain and suddenly
felt deep gratitude in my heart and teared up in thinking about where this
water may have come from to get here, how old it might be, how fortunate I was
to have clean healthy water in my existence. The appreciation poured out of my
heart and I now see water in a different light wherever I am and in the choices
I make. Try this experience with your children, clients or yourself when
teaching about gratitude. The earth does not judge us, so express what is in
your heart and soul, she will love you and give her appreciation in return.
One of the highest levels of care for the earth is to take actions
that uplift her, that create a happier and healthier planet. Below are some
small suggestions to lighten your 'earth print' and that could benefit
your community, clients, and families:
1. REDUCE & REUSE: The resources of the earth are not
infinite and are being used at an unsustainable rate. I remember when the
phrase 'reduce, reuse, recycle' came about, with an emphasis on recycling. But
recycling is not the answer and we are now in a state where recycling is not
sustainable. Reducing can be as simple as not purchasing multiples of the
same item, carpooling to an event or buying foods without packaging. Reusing is
also a powerful action to take, rather than purchasing new or disposable items,
and can often be less expensive. Reusable cutlery, coffee/tea mugs,
straws, bags, etc. I’ve got a travel kit of reusable items to take so that I
don’t create more waste.
2. CHOICES MATTER: Each choice you make carries a vibration for
the planet and sends out a message, a statement. As I became more aware
of the water pollution associated with the clothing industry, I started
shifting in a big way (e.g. buying organic or materials with non-toxic dyes).
Research your options. Did, for example, your food travel 1000s of miles to get
to your plate? Or was grown in a desert where there really isn't much water, to
begin with? How were the land, animals, and water treated in making the
product? Was it with respect and compassion? Sometimes it's hard to find these
answers and if I cannot find the information on the product, I will look to
another source for my needs. It's worth taking the time to make a healthier
decision, which again, is a healthy choice for us all.
3. GO GREEN: Participate in the Love, Peace, Harmony Foundation's
initiative to plant 1 million trees and other plants across the planet to
improve the well-being of all life. It’s an easy initiative to start with
and any amount planted will raise the vibration, plus there are benefits of
getting your hands into the soil and receiving the ions and nourishment within
the pure earth.
4. LOVE LETTER TO THE EARTH: I love Thich Nhat Hahn's book called
'love letter to the Earth' in which he reflects on the earth's wisdom and
love. After reading this book, I was inspired to write my own letters to
her, and have several times. I found these very healing in my relationship with
her and myself. Sit under a favorite tree and pour out your heart to her.
5. SPEAK AND THINK WITH LOVE: We know that our thoughts and
feelings carry a vibration, so why not make it one of upliftment for the
planet? In my work, I have heard many people call rivers negative names as they
are full of chemical and waste pollution. This act of dislike is affecting the
frequency and vibration of that water and all life within it. See the water as
healthy and beautiful, full of light, and express your appreciation and see
what happens. Upgrade your choices so that perhaps you aren’t contributing to
the pollution. Same goes for the refuse we create. We throw it away but really
there is no 'throw away,'- it has to go somewhere on the planet. So send it too
light and your love, and again, reduce what you consume that isn’t sustainable.
In loving the planet for all she is, a quote comes to mind from
Aldo Leopold (1966; Conservation ecologist, writer)
Conservation is a state of harmony between
people and the land. By land is meant all of the things on, over, or in the earth. Harmony with land
is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left. This is to
say, you cannot love game and hate predators; you cannot
conserve the waters and waste the ranges; you
cannot build the forest and mine the farm. The land is one organism.
So in essence, we are one with her. We cannot only accept or love
certain parts of her that we find favorable; we need to love her in her
entirety, just as we do each other.
As you progress with your earth awareness and appreciation or take
some action to uplift her frequency, your heart will start to expand, and you
will notice a positive shift in your interactions with the planet and a
connectedness you’ve never felt before. It really is like establishing a friendship.
Friends nurture and care for each other, confide in one another, grow together,
experience joy and love and each other’s high and low points. So plug-in to the
earth and you (and she) will live a richer and healthier life.
With one earth heart,
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