Thursday, December 3, 2015

#9: Da Ai Down the Drain

 One day while in the shower, I felt such a deep gratitude in my heart that I was able to be here in this moment, to purify and clean my body, to be blessed by what the water was doing for me, and much of this, I probably couldn't even fathom.

 I immediately turned off the water and bowed down to express my gratitude.

 Bowing down to the unconditional service of water. What an incredible messenger?

 At that time, the soul of water was showing me the many ways it serves, and the opportunities for us to become aligned similarly as a universal servant (like this beloved universal solvent)

To be more aware of what was happening when I used water to serve my life. In the shower, this         beautiful water from below in the earth, that was so pure, was now washing my pollution away,           taking it on, and going down the drain.

My heart was so heavy, how could I be grateful enough. So now, as you'll see below in the PRACTICE section of this blog post, a way to offer love and service back to water, in addition to reducing your usage.


    From BLOG POST # 7 on being WATER WISE, I asked you to reflect and research the many             ways in which water is of service to your life. The answers, would be infinite.

   When I think of examples of unconditional service and love, mother earth and water come to me        immediately. They are my teachers. They are all of our teachers.

   Just think, this beloved resource serves our lives in so many ways. It nourishes our bodies to                flush out pollution within us, to carry minerals, to keep our cells healthy.

  And sometimes, and I am crying as I write this...we do not appreciate this soul enough, and misuse     it..

  Lao Tzu, an ancient philosopher, reflects on the humbleness, power and unconditional servant that is   water.

Let us honor water! 


1. In the shower, washing dishes, as water fills your laundry washer, as you drink water and anytime water is going down a drain, sing the mantra DA AI (greatest Love) and DA GAN EN (Greatest Gratitude)

2. Visualize the water filled with the most beautiful golden light. And just rest there in your heart with this love and gratitude.

I know this will deeply touch and bless the soul of water.

Thank you so much.

With infinite love and gratitude,

Sunday, October 4, 2015

#8: Love Peace Harmony Water Project

Here is a beautiful DAILY opportunity to give water your greatest love,  and transform pollution

WHAT: Sing the sacred soul song of  Love Peace and Harmony to tranform, heal and give gratitude to Mother Earth's waters including drinking Water, Lakes, springs, water falls, rivers, streams, oceans, ground water and more. 

WHEN: DAILY at 11:11 am Pacific/2:11pm EST , for 15 minutes

HOW: Join by teleconference 1 302 202 1119, 2995805# daily  You are bringing Divine Love Divine Forgiveness, Divine Compassion and Divine Light to your city, your neighbors, your family and loved ones for 15 minutes daily. You can also do this with a larger group or with your family. 

What is the song of Love, Peace and Harmony?

 This is the first Divine Soul Song given to Master Sha on September 10, 2005. It carries very high divine frequency and vibration, with, love, forgiveness, compassion and light when you sing or chant it. You can find the song on my page called 'Foundation Techniques'.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

#7: Water Wise

The soul of water, each molecule, has incredible wisdom to share with us. It is one of the purest examples of an unconditional servant. Think of its life, cycling through many states of consciousness, through our bodies, residing in soil, used, devoted, patient. Water encompasses everything and touches everyone.  It serves without question and without end.

But do we understand the true wisdom we interact with every day? And do we give all that love and devotion back?

This blog will lead to many future entries where I will flow opportunities & exercises in which we honor the sacredness of water and connect with water's wisdom. Its soul is on a journey and has tasks to fulfill here on mother earth and beyond, and we can assist with these tasks.

These exercises will also open your heart to unconditional service, purify your soul and align you in oneness with Tao. 

It's all about creating a universal consciousness, and the time to start, is NOW! So let's go!

The first exercise which I often ask my students to do, is purely observational. So get something to write on (scrap paper is great!) and get ready to think:)

Question & Exercise: How do you use water in your every day? Or how do you observe it being used? Spend your whole day, or take the week to do this and write down all the uses or ways you consume water and interact with it. You will be surprised by this. From rinsing your blender, boiling pasta, brushing teeth, growing your plants, watering your lawn, heating and cooling your home, washing your clothes, kayaking, swimming, sitting by water to relax, and more.

From this initial phase, it led my heart to deeper awareness. Water is also in the food I purchased, the packaging for the food, the growing of the food, in the making of the clothes I wear, the dying of those clothes.  Water is an integral part of ALL the choices I made. In all of my consumption and consciousness. And these choices, have either a positive or negative effect on water. I either leave it happier and healthier or polluted and sick.

When I did this, I couldn't believe how often AND HOW MUCH water I used.

So be open and be aware as you start this process on your own, and please share below anything that comes to you, to enlighten your soul. You might also receive a teaching from the soul of water as you do this, which is wonderful!

We'll go over more of the specific uses and interactions in future posts, how we might be more friendly and loving to water, and I hope to create an awareness of how we can all be more WATER WISE.

Infinite Peace and Joy to you!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

#6: Water Element

A 5,000 year-old theory exists in Traditional Chinese Medicine called the Five-Elements. These are elements found in nature including WOOD-FIRE-EARTH-METAL-WATER

All things in the universe are categorized in one of these elements including our organs, tissues, emotions and seasons.When we talk about the soul of each one and the potential to transform, this is where things can get really powerful!

There is a phrase that summarizes the power and importance of these elements:
"To balance the five elements is to balance and heal every aspect of life including health, relationships and finances" (Master Sha)

The Water Element relates to the following:
Yang Organ Kidneys
Yin Organ Urinary Bladder
Bodily Tissue Bones/Joints
Sense Ears/hearing
Unbalanced Emotion Fear
Balanced Emotion Calmness
Color Blue
Finger Little
Season Winter
Direction North
Energy Conserving

When we show any pain or discomfort in these areas of our body or struggle with the emotion of fear, we need to balance the WATER ELEMENT.
How do we do this? We use the Power of Soul and the sacred sound of 'YU' (pr.'You')

Here is a simple practice for balancing this element using the Four Power Techniques!

 Place one palm over your navel and the other palm over a kidney, which is the authority water organ, it represents everything in this element.

 Say hello to the soul: Dear soul, mind, and body of my Water Element, I love you, honor you and appreciate you. You have the power to heal and rejuvenate my kidneys, urinary bladder, bones, joints, ears and fear. Do a good job, thank you!

Dear the soul of 'Yu', please bless this practice, thank you!

Visualize BLUE LIGHT washing likes waves into your kidneys, and eventually your entire body

SOUND POWER-using the sound of the soul of the water element (YU)
Take a deep breath, breathing deep into your lower abdomen
As you exhale, say Yuuuuuuuuuuuuu (pr.'You')
Exhale and say 'Yu'
Exhale and say 'Yu'
Continue this practice for 5 minutes or more, many times a day to transform and balance this beautiful element. Close the practice by saying 'Hao' 3x, 'Thank you' 3x and 'Gong Song' 3x. 
Below, I share a video of Master Sha doing a slightly different practice for the Water Element, and at the end, he offers a blessing with his Tao Song. So beautiful, enjoy!!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

#5: Polluted Waters

                                              A FISH CANNOT LIVE IN POLLUTED WATER

I teach all ages (K to Grey) about our beloved waters on Mother Earth, and just last week I was at a trout release here in Pennsylvania with over one-hundred 5th graders (video above of the fishes). These students raised the young trout from eggs, releasing them into a stream with the hope to revive devastated populations from historical pollution impacts.

As I was teaching five different classrooms of children that day, I started each conversation with this question: "what kind of water covers most of the earth?"--I usually hear the response, 'salt water.'

But the last class I had was different.

I received a response that made my heart sink.

The last child answered "polluted water miss Tara, the earth is mostly covered with polluted water." 

And he was right.

According to the EPA, over 55% of rivers in the U.S. are listed as 'impaired,' which in general, means they are not healthy, they are suffering and cannot support over 70% of the life that was living within.

Master Sha teaches us that 'a fish cannot live in polluted waters,' and this is a reflection of us, of the pollution inside each one of us and on Mother Earth. Master Sha says

"If a fish lives in polluted water, the fish gets sick or dies. To heal and save the life of the fish is to cleanse the water. A human being lives in a polluted environment. The environment includes the outer environment and the inner environment. The outer environment is Mother Earth. There are wars, harming, taking advantage of others, cheating, stealing, abusing, and much more on Mother Earth. These are our outer pollution.
Our own shen (soul, heart, and mind) qi (energy) jing (matter) blockages are our inner pollution. These blockages can originate in any of our lifetimes. To heal and to save a person’s life is to clear shen qi jing blockages (inner pollution) and to clear the external pollution (outer pollution)."
Pollution to waterways comes as sediment, nutrients, bacteria and more. To our own souls and even that of Mother Earth's waterways, this is a teaching about pollution in the soul world, or negative karma. Karma is a record of our services, good and negative, that we have ever done in all lifetimes. 

The one sentence secret is:
Karma is the root cause of all success and failure in life

When you have negative karma, you experience blockages and these blockages teach you lessons. The good news is, this is an opportunity to give gratitude and transform your negative karma through service, forgiveness practice and karma cleanses.

Let us do a forgiveness practice with Mother Earth and her Waters
SOUL POWER: Follow this simple 'Say Hello' formula:
Dear soul mind body of our beloved Mother Earth and all her waterways, including rivers, lakes, oceans, estuaries, wetlands,  ground water, and rain. All the water that runs through my own body.
I love you.
Please forgive me and my ancestors for all mistakes we have made in all lifetimes, where we did not come from the greatest love, respect and appreciation for your life.
In order to receive your forgiveness I will serve unconditionally. I will teach others about your love and unconditional universal service. 

SOUND POWER: Then sing or chant repeatedly "I love you" with ALL of your HEART

Place your hands over your heart, or message center. This is the love, forgiveness and karma center.

MIND POWER: Visualize the most beautiful bright white light surrounding all of Mother Earth, in every drop of water. 

Chant this for at least 10 minutes or more. 

Close by saying Hao (3x), Thank you (3x) and Gong Song (3x)
Bow down to Mother Earth nine times. 

Please share your experiences below and thank you for your love for Mother Earth!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

#4: Mother Earth In All Of Us

Da Ai (greatest Love), Da Gan An (Greatest Gratitude), We Are one 

Today, we celebrate 45 years of  'Earth Day,' and as I connect with her in my heart,  I am especially grateful for the gift of my life--for without her I would be nothing.  No physical, mental, emotional existence, no joy, love or lessons.

And no chance to serve others or to feel Tao.

Upon awakening this morning,  I bowed down to her depths, to honor her soul, which I felt I could not do enough. Thank you for another day to be blessed with  your love, your teachings and your beautiful life. Mother Earth, you are my life.

Da Ai

Da Gan En.

We are ONE.

I asked our beloved Master Sha, which song can I sing to honor Mother Earth deeply today? And he said, 'any soul song, as long as it is sincere and comes from your heart.' So today, came the beloved soul song 'I Love You,'  to serenade Her,  asking forgiveness for any hurt or harm I and my ancestors have caused her and her ancestors, in this and all lifetimes.

I saw many messages, I saw the future, the past, and most importantly the NOW. She told me "at any  moment you can feel me, know me and really be with me; I will bless your soul journey and future survival immensely. There is much more to come with this time of transition. We need to prepare."

Use the 4-power techniques (refer to 'foundation practices' of this blog)

1. BODY POWER: Sit up straight, feet on the ground and mother earth.  Back away from the chair and eyes closed. Breathe deep the beautiful air and gift of life.
2. MIND POWER: Visual beautiful golden light radiating within every aspect of your body and that of Mother Earth, transforming every cell, space and more.You can also look at the image in this blog to guide your chanting.
3. SOUL POWER: Dear the Soul, Mind and Body of Mother Earth , I LOVE YOU, honor you and appreciate you. I love everything within you, the insects, animals, water, sky, landfills, pollution and more. Please forgive us for any hurt or harm I and my ancestors have done to you in all lifetimes. We are so deeply sorry and will serve, love and honor you unconditionally. Thank you for any forgiveness you can give to us at this time. We are so grateful.  Dear the soul of  Da Ai, Greatest Love and Da Gan En, Greatest Gratitude, will you please come and sit within my heart and within the soul of myself and Mother Earth, radiate your greatest love & gratitude, create oneness with all life. 
4. SOUND POWER: Sing or say ' Da Ai, Da Gan En, We are One' for 10 minutes or more. 
5. Close by saying 'Hao (3x), Thank you (3x) and Gong Song (3x).

1. Tell mother earth this morning with your greatest heart 'I love you, I am so grateful for you, I really really love you!'
2. Watch your water use today:)
3. For 1 minute, be reverent with each step you walk on the earth.
4. Sit wither Mother earth in silence and chant 'Da Gan En' over and over, which means greatest gratitude
5. Slow down to smell the beautiful flowers, feel the wind on your face, plant a tree
6. Love yourself

Please share below, I would like to hear what you did today and any messages you received!
We Are ONE,

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

#3: Soul Healing Water Blessings from Master Sha

Every Sunday at 2pm Eastern, Master Sha will bless your water! 

Here's how to register for the blessing and more from Master Sha's website

Divine Soul Healing Water is a powerful divine blessing that Master Sha transmits weekly to the bottled water of participants during Sunday Divine Blessings.
You can request Divine Soul Healing Water to assist in healing any health condition, to boost your energy, to transform your relationships, to nourish and balance your soul, mind and body, or to serve any other need. Simply register and label bottles of water for each of your requests.
The divine frequency and light of Divine Soul Healing Water can be powerfully transforming and healing. Click here to view Water Crystal Research jointly conducted by Master Sha and Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages in Water. Note the slight blur in the crystals’ photos. Some consider it a representation of the Divine Presence imparted to them through the Divine Soul Healing Water blessing.

Available Free Services

Divine Soul Healing Water is a gift available to everyone since 2004 on Mother Earth. Master Sha has committed to bless Soul Healing Water and make this blessing freely available for as long as he is physically present on Earth.
Please register your requests weekly to receive this special blessing. Put a label on all your bottles of water (that you have set aside for these blessings) for each one of your requests “Divine Soul Healing Water for [and, specify your request].” Label each bottle with only one request. Please indicate your requests in the Comments box during registration.
Divine Soul Healing Water blessings are given by Master Sha during Sunday Divine Blessings, 2:00 pm eastern time. It is recommended that you be present, but not mandatory.

Monday, March 30, 2015

#2: Unconditional Love

Spring Creek, Georgia (USA)

Today's message from water is about unconditional love.

Pouring down on us as rain, nourishing every cell of every living being, water serves all life on Mother Earth. 

May we be mindful, gentle, and grateful...

Let us bring into our hearts water in all forms, as rivers, oceans, and wetlands; the water it takes to make plastic and make our food, the water to brush our teeth or that removes waste, the waters that are polluted. 

Love will remove blockages and transform all life, so in the practice below we're going to give water our sincere and greatest love. This all comes from the deepest and most pure place of your soul.

Let us give to this beautiful resource our deepest love in return, with a practice saying 'Da Ai,' or 'greatest love.'  Remember, what you say is what you become. We chant greatest love for water, this will start to remove and transform pollution within and around us, bringing us closer to Tao.

We will do the 4-power techniques (refer to 'foundation practices' of this blog)

1. BODY POWER: Sit up straight, feet on the ground and mother earth (barefoot is always helpful). Back away from the chair and eyes closed. Breathe deep the beautiful air and gift of life.
2. MIND POWER: Visual beautiful golden light radiating within ever aspect of the water within your body and that of Mother Earth, transforming every cell. 
3. SOUL POWER: Dear the Soul, Mind and Body of Mother Earth and all of her waters, including those within us, we love, honor and appreciate you. Please forgive us for any hurt or harm I and my ancestors have done to cause pollution within you. We are so deeply sorry and will serve unconditionally to love, honor and serve your soul. Thank you for any forgiveness you can give to us at this time. We are so grateful. Dear the soul of  Da Ai, Greatest Love, will you please come and sit within my heart and within the soul of all waters, radiate your greatest love to transform the shen qi chi blockages in all waters of mother earth. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
4. SOUND POWER: Sing or say ' Da Ai, Da Ai, greatest love' for 10 minutes or more. 
5. Close by saying 'Hao (3x), Thank you (3x) and Gong Song (3x).

As I did this practice myself, I could see a great transformation occur, with the purity of my/water's energy improving in such a short amount of time. My cells felt more alive and  Mother Earth came to bless us for caring for her. It was very heart-touching. Countless bow downs.

Thank you for your love for Mother Earth's waters!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

#1: World Water Day, Every Day

The United Nations has designated today, March 22nd as World Water Day, and what better day to begin my blog, honoring one of my biggest teachers, shifus and blessings in my life, WATER.

WATER is...
The life blood of the planet
Fundamental to all life
Unconditional with its love and service

Water moves to the depths and heights of mother earth and in its nature, is the closest to Tao, as a Creator, sustaining all life. It make up 75-80% of mother earth, you and I.

Water shows us the highest kindness and service with its life giving force, nourishment and wish for us to live and be alive.

Waters of the earth are suffering for many reasons including pollution & over consumption.

Can you TODAY, and from this day forward practice love and mindfulness of WATER and make one small change to transform, heal and protect our waterways? 

One path is to use the POWER of SOUL, singing a healing soul song called 
Love, Peace and Harmony (*You can visit my 'foundational practices' page to learn more about this song.)

How to use the Power of Soul
1. BODY POWER: Go out to a local river, stream, pond, mother ocean, or simply visual water or hold a glass of water in your hand.
2. SOUL POWER:Turn on the song of LPH and ask it's soul to transform, heal and rejuvenate all waters within you and mother earth.
3. MIND POWER: Visualize beautiful light shining brightly in the water
4. SOUND POWER: Sing along with the song aloud or silently and SMILE! Open your heart, giving your greatest gratitude and love to mother earth and water.
5. Do this as long as you can (15 minutes or more)
6. Close by saying Hao (3x), Thank you (3x) and Gong Song (3x)

To get started in the PHYSICAL WORLD explore these websites!
*Be a part of today's global meditation at UNIFY

In future posts I will go through more physical and soul practices!
Much love to you and thank you for loving water!  #LoveWater