Tuesday, December 27, 2016

#16: A River's Name

Do you know the name of the river, stream, wetland or lake near you? Have you connected with its soul? 

They don't always have names, especially the smaller rivers (referred to in my last post, #12), but they do always have a soul.

As I connect and communicate with rivers and other waterways, I first honor their soul, and see if they have a name or something they would like to be called. Many are connected to the names they have been given by a people, as these names originate with love and reverence. And for some a need for this does not exist, or their 'name' doesn't come in any language you recognize (soul language).  You can find a waterway's name on topographic maps or on the Model My Watershed Tool. 

An interesting naming example I'd like to share is Devil's Lake in Wisconsin (seen below). 

By the native peoples, this lake was originally called 'sacred or spirit lake.' Later on, other inhabitants thought it would increase tourism by re-naming it Devil's lake, to sound more mysterious. When I heard this story on a hike overlooking the beautiful lake, I immediately felt upset and thought "how could they dishonor the lake--- changing its name to something negative?" But I caught my judgement, released it and held love for what is the lake's soul. A name does carry a vibration and karma, but if we are to live in oneness, we see that all of this is love, not matter the name, and go beyond this. More importantly we look and address the water by its soul. That's what we should also do with each other. Names do not tell your story, show your love and who you are.  

Waterways though, do wish to be 'seen' and 'named' by their soul, their Divinity and creation. Many long for this. As I start to do any kind of healing or assistance to waterways, I always 'say hello' to their soul and ask for a message of what they wish to express. 

With polluted rivers for example, many wish to be of great assistance and to serve mother earth. 

But of greatest assistance to them in their healing process (*which is also our healing process and return to oneness), a reverence to their soul and communicating with their soul is primary. 

In future posts, I will start teaching how to communicate with the soul of water, it's easy and everyone can do it, I promise! If you wish to improve the water quality on Mother Earth, this will be an essential step for you to learn.  

Great love to you all,

Master Tara

Saturday, November 19, 2016

#15: Watershed World

                                                      Do you know we all live in a watershed?

What is a watershed?
It's an area (defined by elevation) of land, water, animals, people that are all connected. With watersheds we tend to talk about the water, as it is the carrier and connector to everything in a watershed (more on this below). It's also called a basin (and 'holds' water similarly to a bathtub or basin).

In a watershed the rivers, streams, rain, etc. all flow to a given site (a lake, ocean) and contain many tiny streams (tributaries), larger rivers, wetlands, lakes, pollution and more.  The flow pattern of these streams/rivers looks similar to a network of veins in your body or the roots of a tree or leaf (image 1).

Image 1 (left), a network of water: Smaller rivers (in red, green and blue above, labelled with a '1' or '2' or '3' for their size) are called headwater streams as these 'begin' the life and flow of water within the watershed. In many places around the world these smaller streams are not protected by law, but make up the majority of types of streams we have and are the life-blood of the watershed. Their purity is usually higher and energy is very powerful.

Image 2 (right), the largest watershed in the U.S.: When streams and rivers flow into each other and meet (called a 'confluence'), they form larger rivers, which eventually flow to the ocean (as in the case of this image). Watersheds have names, and the one outlined in this image is of the largest watersheds in the U.S., the Mississippi River watershed, which drains water from 14 states!

So how do I find the name of the watershed I live in? 
Sometimes called your 'watershed address,' its important to know what watershed you live in, so you can protect and understand your influence. Most people get their water from a river or stream, and sometimes groundwater (which is part of the watershed too!). And sometimes these rivers and streams need your help to improve their health or be appreciated for their huge amount of service to our lives, so here's how to find out the name of your watershed!

If you live in the lower 48 of the U.S., visit the WikiWatershed site and type in an address:                       
A. Click on the  'model my watershed' application and 'launch the app'
B. Sign in as a guest, and then in the search box, type in an address
C. On the 'select by boundary' menu, select HUC 8 (which is a certain size category of watershed).      Hover over the map, and the name of your watershed should appear!

If you are not in the lower 48, but in the U.S., you can go to the Environmental Protection Agency's 'surf your watershed' site: 

In future postings, we'll go deeper into the insight I've gained from watersheds, and ways you can improve the quality of the water and life in watersheds.

But first, do some homework and share below when you find out the watershed you live in, i'm excited to know!!

Master Tara
Brandywine-Christina Watershed

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

# 14: Happy World Water Day!

Each moment you can bring yourself to consider the impact of your thoughts and actions relating to water, will open your heart and soul journey significantly, beyond all lifetimes. 


#13: Divine Healing Hands River Story, the Altamaha

The Altamaha River, one of the most endangered rivers in the United States.

I would love to share with you beautiful images of the Altamaha River... and with all the pollution coming to her, such as you see in the above image....this River, soul, this source of life, located in Georgia, is incredibly still beautiful. All of her is sacred.

In September 2011 I was fortunate and honored to receive a healing ability, what is called a 'Divine Healing Hands (DHH). I have a hard time describing what a dream it is to have a tool such as this to help Mother Earth. DHH can be used to support you, your loved ones, and more.

And I ask Divine Healing Hands to heal rivers.

I am an aquatic ecologist, and in the summer of 2012  I embarked on a journey kayaking and canoeing over 105-miles on this beloved river, with about 300 others!

I lead a team to monitor the water quality of the main portions of the river and its tributaries, to give us a snapshot of its health. Like a doctor, we need to look at the river from many angles, addressing the biological, chemical and physical aspects of the water.

We took its heartbeat and pulse throughout the 7 day journey,many times during the day.

And each day, I also gave blessings to the river.

Master Sha has taught us many sacred techniques to transform  the message, vibration and frequency of a soul. To uplift other souls so they no longer suffer.  Divine Healing Hands is an ability I've always dreamed of having--at this time on the river being so new with my DHH, I was so humbled and excited to help the Altamaha, the water, turtles, people and more.

I would 'turn on' this transmission and ask it to bless the river, the watershed and all souls affecting the watershed, to bring them to oneness, to bring more love, peace, compassion and harmony. To enlighten me with wisdom, so I could help on a deeper level.

I sang my soul song off/on as I floated down the river, I sang to the birds and the alligators! I sat on the river banks and gave my greatest gratitude to every molecule of water passing by, for the gift of life it shares with all of us.

On my kayak, I put stickers of a sacred mantra (3396815), and asked it to come and bless the river as well.

So for 7-days, that is what I did. No expectations to the outcome. I let the DHH and other techniques do the magic!

It wasn't until about a month later, I got news from some members of the local watershed group that somehow, a few major blockages for the protection of the river, came free and undone. A few entities that had held on to old patterns of thought and pollution, and respect for the river were changing. I was so grateful.

So as I continue to see rivers and waterways across the world, I offer DHH blessings, gratitude, and deep love. With this, so much wisdom has come. The beauty of DHH is that you don't have to be in-person with those you wish to help. The healing energy is beyond time and space, so you can offer assistance to anyone, anything, anywhere!

                                                       The Altamaha River
                         "Listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul"
                                                                                    - Jerry Garcia

Monday, March 21, 2016

#12: The Source of Your Water

What is the Source of your drinking water?

This is a question I ask often of people of all ages, to connect them to a greater existence.

The Kitchen Faucet!
My Water Bottle!
are answers I often hear. 

Your drinking water can come from many sources, ground water and also rivers.

                     65% Of Our Drinking Water Comes From Rivers And Streams

Here's a little more from the america Rivers Organization on Sources of Water across the U.S.:

If you live in Seattle, your water comes from the Cedar and Tolt rivers, where surrounding forests help protect water quality. If you live in New York, your water comes from the Delaware River basin. The 3.2 million residents of Minnesota’s Twin Cities get their water from the Mississippi River. Most of metro Atlanta’s 4.1 million residents get their water from the Chattahoochee and Flint rivers.

Once a community system pulls water from a river (and in some cases a well), the water is treated to federal and state required purity levels before being pumped and piped to our houses as clean drinking water.

According to the American Water Works Association, the best way to learn about your drinking water is to contact your local utility. They can tell you about the source of the water, and how it is treated.

You can also use this interactive map from the EPA to find out about the source of your water, and read EPA’s Water on Tap [PDF] to learn about drinking water safety and more.
While our tap water is generally safe to drink, threats to rivers and drinking water are increasing. We shouldn’t take clean water for granted. 
Get connected and find your Source!

#11: Magic of Water

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water
-Loren Eiseley

There is magic on our beloved planet, everywhere, everyday, every second and in everything.

The magic and miracle, is the gift of life that mother earth brings.

Look anywhere and everywhere, it all comes from her.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

#10 Big Compassion Mantra

Dear Ones,
I am so excited to begin weekly calls on Monday and Tuesdays (10pm-10:30pm Eastern) to sing the beautiful 'Big Compassion Mantra' of Guan Yin, the Da Bei Zhou. This is for anyone wishing to learn the mantra, or if you know it, to offer service and deepen your connection with Guan Yin and the Buddhas, and/or receive blessings by being in the frequency, love and compassion of this special time together.

Visit my 'classes and events' page for many links to support you in learning the Da Bei Zhou such as a document with the lines of the mantra, videos of others singing the melody and also a special online course.

Email me for the call-in information or questions at muenztk@hotmail.com
You can participate on either/both calls anytime you like. Having your email will help me update everyone in case dates/times change!

*If neither of these times/days works for you, please email what would as I am hoping to add more opportunities in the future. 

All are welcome, and the calls will begin February 8th and 9th, 2016!

With infinite love and joy,