Thursday, May 28, 2015

#5: Polluted Waters

                                              A FISH CANNOT LIVE IN POLLUTED WATER

I teach all ages (K to Grey) about our beloved waters on Mother Earth, and just last week I was at a trout release here in Pennsylvania with over one-hundred 5th graders (video above of the fishes). These students raised the young trout from eggs, releasing them into a stream with the hope to revive devastated populations from historical pollution impacts.

As I was teaching five different classrooms of children that day, I started each conversation with this question: "what kind of water covers most of the earth?"--I usually hear the response, 'salt water.'

But the last class I had was different.

I received a response that made my heart sink.

The last child answered "polluted water miss Tara, the earth is mostly covered with polluted water." 

And he was right.

According to the EPA, over 55% of rivers in the U.S. are listed as 'impaired,' which in general, means they are not healthy, they are suffering and cannot support over 70% of the life that was living within.

Master Sha teaches us that 'a fish cannot live in polluted waters,' and this is a reflection of us, of the pollution inside each one of us and on Mother Earth. Master Sha says

"If a fish lives in polluted water, the fish gets sick or dies. To heal and save the life of the fish is to cleanse the water. A human being lives in a polluted environment. The environment includes the outer environment and the inner environment. The outer environment is Mother Earth. There are wars, harming, taking advantage of others, cheating, stealing, abusing, and much more on Mother Earth. These are our outer pollution.
Our own shen (soul, heart, and mind) qi (energy) jing (matter) blockages are our inner pollution. These blockages can originate in any of our lifetimes. To heal and to save a person’s life is to clear shen qi jing blockages (inner pollution) and to clear the external pollution (outer pollution)."
Pollution to waterways comes as sediment, nutrients, bacteria and more. To our own souls and even that of Mother Earth's waterways, this is a teaching about pollution in the soul world, or negative karma. Karma is a record of our services, good and negative, that we have ever done in all lifetimes. 

The one sentence secret is:
Karma is the root cause of all success and failure in life

When you have negative karma, you experience blockages and these blockages teach you lessons. The good news is, this is an opportunity to give gratitude and transform your negative karma through service, forgiveness practice and karma cleanses.

Let us do a forgiveness practice with Mother Earth and her Waters
SOUL POWER: Follow this simple 'Say Hello' formula:
Dear soul mind body of our beloved Mother Earth and all her waterways, including rivers, lakes, oceans, estuaries, wetlands,  ground water, and rain. All the water that runs through my own body.
I love you.
Please forgive me and my ancestors for all mistakes we have made in all lifetimes, where we did not come from the greatest love, respect and appreciation for your life.
In order to receive your forgiveness I will serve unconditionally. I will teach others about your love and unconditional universal service. 

SOUND POWER: Then sing or chant repeatedly "I love you" with ALL of your HEART

Place your hands over your heart, or message center. This is the love, forgiveness and karma center.

MIND POWER: Visualize the most beautiful bright white light surrounding all of Mother Earth, in every drop of water. 

Chant this for at least 10 minutes or more. 

Close by saying Hao (3x), Thank you (3x) and Gong Song (3x)
Bow down to Mother Earth nine times. 

Please share your experiences below and thank you for your love for Mother Earth!