Sunday, November 26, 2017

#18: Unify Mother Earth, S+E+M=1

Did you know there is a powerful mantra that you can say over and over to unify yourself in oneness with mother earth and to unify all the life on the planet? 


Dr. and Master Rulin Xiu, a theoretical physicist and author of Soul Mind Body Science System
has brought forth the 'Grand Unification' theory to unify all existence, to bring universal oneness.

The scientific formula of grand unification is S+E+M=1
*Soul(S)+ Energy(E)+Matter(M)=One vibrational field(1)

*S= soul, heart and mind

When soul, heart, mind, energy, matter are aligned, life flows, people (and hence, Mother Earth) are happy, healthy and well. If these aspects of the formula are not aligned, sickness and other challenges occur (on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels).

How does this apply to Mother Earth and her waters?  

This mantra carries a message that can transform all life. Remember, ancient wisdom states that what you say is what you become. Your words carry power and a message. 

By saying this mantra over and over for water and mother earth, you are putting forth a message that brings forth Oneness into every cell, organ, space of Mother Earth and all living and non-living aspects of her. 

How do we do this? 

Follow these 4 steps:

1. Body Power: Put one hand over your heart, and one hand on your lower abdomen.
2. Soul Power/ Invocation: 
Say hello:
Dear The Source Matra of S + E + M = 1,
I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.
You have the power to unify Mother Earth.
Dear the saints, Heaven’s saints’ animals, and treasures from Heaven, the Divine, Tao, and The Source connected with and carried within this mantra.
I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.
You have immeasurable power to heal all of mother earth.
Please heal me. Thank you.
3. Mind Power
Visualize golden light shining throughout the earth, in everyone and everything!
4. Sound Power
Say silently or aloud:
S + E + M = 1 heals Mother Earth. Thank you.
S + E + M = 1 heals Mother Earth. Thank you.
S + E + M = 1 heals Mother Earth. Thank you.
S + E + M = 1 heals Mother Earth. Thank you.
S + E + M = 1 heals Mother Earth. Thank you.
As you say this mantra, keep your eyes closed. Relax, smile. The longer you say this, the more the vibration of its message benefits Mother Earth. 
Close the practice
Always express gratitude: Hao! Hao! Hao! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. “Hao” (pronounced how in Mandarin) means get well. “Hao” means perfect. “Hao” means restore health.
Please leave comments below on how this practice was for you!

One Earth Heart,

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